Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Howard Kids

It has been awhile from my last update. I have been in LA for the past week enjoying the sun and getting a lot of shooting in. My twin sister Gia is a professional photographer in LA (check out her website she has been a professional photographer for the past 9 years, She is amazing. I got into LA on Wednesday night and on Thursday morning at 4am(my one morning to sleep in) Gia got a phone call that one of her clients was going into labor. So we packed up and went to photograph the birth. I got some rock en photos that I will be putting up this week. Asher (the baby boy) was born with some breathing difficulties and was put in the NICU for about 1 week, so we could not get any photos of him with his other two brothers. He is out of the hospital now and doing well. Then on Friday we drove up to San Fran to shoot a wedding in wine country (another 2 hours north of San Fran). So Saturday we shot the wedding. It was a beautiful, breath taking wedding. It was at a personal vineyard called Black Swan Lake (because it really had Black Swans, So Cool!). Again I will be posting some photos of this wedding later this week. I had a great time but it is really nice to be back with my boys and husband, Colorado is home for us and we love it. I am posting some photos of the Howard kids that I took the weekend before I left for LA. Enjoy!

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